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Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I have found the appropriate option to get it sorted: removed all this new crap and re-installed the older profiler from the G25 CD
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Voted patch test, but Z10 is a nightmare...

I also like the cars setup forum, some excellent posts can be found there although not very often.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
In profiler: set wheel to 720°.
In game:
Wheel turn compensation to 1.

To calibrate use the in-game calibration, read this:
and you should be fine.

PS: This is the wrong section for this post, it should go in the hardware section or beginner forum. Remember to search next time
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : information
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Look for places with like minded racers, it can work there.
I think that random encounters on pickup racing servers are unlikely to provide what you are looking for, that is a bunch of people that you can trust.
Good luck!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Why not start your setup making career?
Take a sprint set you think driveable or race S.
Use no locked diffs, use a clutch pack, pretty loose at the front end.
Set torque bias towards the rear to spare your front tyres. 25-35% only on the front wheels.
Check the tyres: no silly camber values, increase tyre pressure a little bit.
You should now have a good enough set.

Next step, if necessary
Use Bob Smith VHPA to correct excessive under or oversteer, it had a graphical display the shows clearly the effect of your actions, so you do not need too much knowledge / background reading to understand what happens. Good luck!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I was faster with a mouse, until I got a G25. That was 4 months ago.
I am still approx 0.5s to 1s / minute slower in average.

So FFB does not make me faster. Pratice does. On the other hand I have absolutely no desire to go back to mousing, it feels like drinking a good wine with a cold and eating onions
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
@Michael - Excellent progress! It took me much more time to reach that level
Don't forget LFS is not supposed to be a social life killer, but more a casual hobby... play less and the fun will last longer!
At this rate you will be in need of S2 in 2 weeks time, and moaning for more content in 1/2 a year
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Start slowly

Joke apart, you should try offline for a while, doing slow laps until you know your way around the track.
Then increase your speed and try to find the correct lines through the corners. Press "4" in single player game to get a display of the racing line (not the ideal one, but quite good).
Then you are ready to go online and race others, or continue offline with the AIs.
AI's ignore you most of the time, so you will be wrecked.
Some demo servers are about the same as AIs, so do not insist if you meet that - change.

Don't forget to do the training - while not a "racing" training course it can teach you some car handling.

Get setups online (from others or websites) to improve your times, browse the forums for them if you seek setup building knowledge.

You will improve your racing when competing with others more than by yourself. Online play in the main strength of LFS

Welcome and good luck!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Read the rest of the sentence before jumping around
Or at least quote it, so that I can retain some dignity!
I said the clutch (temp, not damage - non existant) model is sufficient for racing and had not tried cruising...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Agreed as well.
Using axis clutch it is a non issue for racing conditions, and in fact the clutch is too permissive in my opinion because it allows loads of flat shifting in some of the cars.

Maybe the burning clutch syndrome comes from cruise server users? I have never tried that so I do not know if the clutch will behave correctly in "real life" traffic use, and do not know if the cruise users have properly geared cars.

Another possibility is the autoclutch issues. As said above it tends to burn the clutch, because it is sometimes slipping clutch when it should not (ex: spinning an going backwards full speed, top gear engaged - the autoclutch engages the clutch for the car to go forward, resulting in instaburn).

Third issue is not clutch related: with the current LFS model a lot of setups have a first gear tuned for fast launches off the grid, often a very long 1st gear. The current model also makes it faster to launch full throttle (full burnout still give enough grip). Both combined produce a clutch killer, of course!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Yes, it does sound too good to be true.
On the other hand are there any stats out that show the active players (sorry, pro sim racers ) numbers evolution on the iracing site?
That may explain the attempt to get new blood.
Monthly figures would do
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Nice story Scawen, always a relief to see it happens to everybody!

And I was thinking you were struggling with ugly bugs in the next patch, not able to get rid of the buggers
Now your problems were much more entertaining (from our point of view of course) and ... well, human.

Thanks for sharing with us. I still have one or 2 boxes from when I moved and the second kid arrived ... 4 years ago! Good luck with yours
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
@OP: You forgot the mighty AIs!!!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Agreed, a yellow flag zone would be an interesting addition.
However it does not seem so easy to implement, and a better definition of yellow triggers is probably necessary before you end up with a yellow map
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Will you (as in general, you) please stop spamming this thread, which is here for a reason?
Thank you.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Paddles for me, because the shifter does not behave when attached to the table.
It keeps inching away or twisting around until
1) it falls off the table, held by one screw only, ending he race
2) It twists enough so that I have to watch before putting into gear, not knowing where that 3rd one is located anymore.

Therefore I have decided to punish the above mentioned shifter and leave it in its box, alone.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from thomas59113 :hello

then I encounter a problem each time I want to activate my account at this time I have this message and I must remain in play demo.

please help me my license and I can play with you thank you

1 screenchot

In french:
3 déverrouillages par semaine seulement (accordés par le LFS master server).
Ils ont étét utilisés tous les trois cette semaine.
Il n'est pas nécessaire de déverouiller LFS à chaque session, uniquement une fois sur un PC (à part nouveaux patches)!
En demandant gentiment aux développeurs il est possible de recevoir un nouveau déverouillage cette semain encore, mail:

Ils répondent aux demandes polies rapidement et souvent favorablement.

Bonne chance!

Explaining how to get more unlocks...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Do not listen!
Keep playing as you like, the best setup is what feels the best for you.
It usually is a compromise between feeling "real" and finding performance.

The learning curve will be harder if you go for a high lock, but you will gain more skill for precise steering around the center. In theory you should catch the slides before you need full opposite lock
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
For information, the reset function is still available offline. That should provide more than enough comfort during the brief period when a newcomer understands what LFS is about, don't you think?
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I think you posted in the wrong thread.
The Jaffa cakes vs others thread is strangely called "race center event"
Please keep you off topicness to the corresponding thread, else it makes the search function useless.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from spacman75 :Hi guys

...I'm physically disabled and only able to use a mouse mouth control and on the older versions of LFS you could control the steering and acceleration/breaking on the mouse. It's the acceleration and breaking facility which has disappeared. I used to be able to push my control up to accelerate and pull back to break....

This option is still available, even in the testpatch version Z10.
Otions - Tab controls.

Select wheel / joystick instead of mouse
Then go to the tab Axes / FF
Select Throttle / Brake axes: Combined

Further down select steer=mouse X
Thr / Brk combined=mouse Y

Pics enclosed for more clarity.
This should work perfectly.
Good luck!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Fights against a good defender when you are a bit faster or defending against a faster racer are always very interesting, they are the ones that make me play LFS.
No matter if they last 2-3 corners or the whole race, they bring a broad smile on my face.
Forget about speed / WRs, that is not where the excitement lies in LFS (there is not enough adrenaline to be found there, you can wreck / respawn and lap again until you master one combo...), what you really want is a place to race with racers about your speed who want to drive clean and fair, but win in the end.

So please do try to defend as well as attack, cleanly but with cunning and determination to win, this will brighten everybody's race.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
These are excellent, first link to a tutorial and second to the templates page.
All in .psd format, that can be used with:
and free:
Gimp (an addon exists to open .pds files) ... on=display&thread=307

Good luck, show us what you can do
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :...Besides, it's only annoying in those Auto-X events, but then again, I'm sure the majority of LFS players don't bother with those. ...

I strongly disagree with this part of your post.
Racing on Fern Bay tracks can be a nightmare as well, because the collision bug does also affect the chicane damned tyres. If the car ahead sets one of these tyres loose you get into a lottery where the jackpot is a return trip to the moon.

I often race on Dead Men Racing server, and they usually add obstacles to create new chicanes on the tracks or add obstacles to make sure existing chicanes do slow you down. Even if this server attracts fair and clean racers, a light contact with these obstacles can happen - and that buys you another lottery ticket.

But this bug is long known, and I am sure that it is on the "devs are probably working on it" list
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :...The only solution I can see (though I have never worked with collisions in a 3D environment) is that the collision response is rewritten substantially. It would need to keep track of the objects previous locations (like 2 or 3 frames) so upon collision it can look back in history and extrapolate the objects relative speeds to generate a proper response, instead of just looking at how far everything intersects. Other cars suddenly teleporting into you (due to lag/prediction errors) are another thing that needs to be solved. Every time a car's position is corrected, the collision response should take that fact into account and make a sanity check with the last known positions, since it's very unlikely that the car to you left suddenly steered into you with very high speed. Though when implementing such a thing you at the same time you have to watch out to keep the sanity checks very subtle. A real high speed crash should not make the system go "well that was unlikely to happen, so it didn't", but instead still generate a proper response.


Would there be another way?

I'm by no means qualified to solve this kind of issue, but it seems to me that if the system is not able to react quickly enough to provide an adequate answer, another way would be anticipating / getting ready for the collision.
I was thinking of a larger ghost enveloppe around the cars, basic volume shape, that stores the pre-collision data to be used in case of collision in the next iteration(s). Do you think it would be feasible?
I have no idea how it would affect resources though, might be a terrible hit.